Archive for April 11th, 2003

Magnolia DVD

Grey skies are going to clear up, but not before writer-director P.T. Anderson drags his characters through heaven and hell in “Magnolia.” One half biblical epic, one half human opera, “Magnolia” emerges as one of the best films of 1999. Read the rest of this entry »


I saw writer-director John Sayles’ newest film today. It was called “Limbo.” It should have been called “Limp Dick.” The film is nothing more than a tease. Like great sex, it lathers you all up into a frenzy. Instead of reaching a climax, it becomes impotent, leaving you unfulfilled and angry. Read the rest of this entry »

The Cat’s Meow

In this age of instant information, rabid paparazzi, and tabloid television, it’s virtually impossible for anyone who is someone to keep a secret. Winona Ryder supposedly gets caught shoplifting, and it’s not just news, it’s the topic of conversation on talk shows for weeks. I bet Winona wished she could control the press. Read the rest of this entry »