Archive for December, 2004


Unless you’re a professional comedian, or at least someone in the loop, chances are you haven’t heard The Aristocrats, an in-joke which over the years has taken on a life of its own. Nasty, vile, filthy, dangerous, and politically incorrect, The Aristocrats is the joke equivalent of the secret handshake. Shared by comedians since Vaudeville, The Aristocrats is simple in premise:
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The Sentinel

The Sentinel is the equivalent of a good used car. It may lack a factory fresh smell, but it is a sturdy ride.
The scenery may look familiar, but the trip is filled with enough pit stops to make it enjoyable. Director Clark Johnson (SWAT) assuredly navigates the roadmap of a screenplay, creating sustainable characters and just enough mock suspense to keep this political thriller from veering off course. Read the rest of this entry »