Archive for March, 2003


I wonder how many times writer Larry Cohen has gotten the big hang-up. His story for Phone Booth trapped Collin Farrell inside Manhattan’s last standing phone booth, aware that a hang-up could result in sudden death. Read the rest of this entry »

Dead Men Don’t Wear Plaid

After the unexpected success of “The Jerk,” director Carl Reiner and star Steve Martin segued into this hilarious spoof of classic film noir of the 1940’s. While audiences took for granted the deft blend of comic chaos by Martin and company and dozens of old clips from classic gangster films, film purists like me marveled at the seamless effort. Read the rest of this entry »

Be Cool

Despite the proclamation of its title, Be Cool is anything but. It’s like the Bizarro World evil twin of Get Shorty. Everything that was good and original in Get Shorty is bad and stale in Be Cool, a sequel of sorts that finds gangster-turned-movie mogul Chili Palmer (John Travolta) looking for a new gig. Read the rest of this entry »

The Muse

When we first meet screenwriter Steven Phillips (Albert Brooks), he’s on top of the world. He’s just received a humanitarian award for his body of work, which includes seventeen films, an Oscar nomination, a beautiful wife and family, and a comfortable home with a guest cottage. He also a three-picture deal with Paramount, and is anxiously awaiting word on his latest project. Read the rest of this entry »


Anyone who has ever traveled from one continent to another will know how difficult it is for the body to readjust to the new time zone. Someone may go days before their internal time clock catches up. Read the rest of this entry »

Weekend at Bernie’s

“Weekend at Bernie’s” was a surprise hit, a slapstick farce that caught the youth of America off guard. It’s hard to believe that it’s been ten years since Bernie kicked the bucket and created so much hysteria. His afterlife antics were so popular that he returned in “Weekend at Bernie’s II.” Read the rest of this entry »