Archive for November, 2004

Rules of Engagement DVD

If I were in combat, Col. Terry Childers is the kind of man I would want on my side. A 30-year Marine veteran, Childers has seen it all. His combat experiences includes Vietnam, Beirut and Desert Storm. He’s a decorated war hero and he knows how to get things done under fire. Read the rest of this entry »

Mr. Deeds

In the early days of “Saturday Night Live,” John Belushi was featured in a sketch called “The Thing That Would Not Leave.” He played a boorish dinner guest who took advantage of his hosts hospitality by overstaying his welcome. Read the rest of this entry »


There’s one scene in writer-director Bob Clark’s “Porky’s” that left me and my friends on the floor of the theater. It comes towards the end of the film when female gym teacher Beulah Balbricker tries to convince the principal of the school that the only way she’s going to catch a male student who performed an indecent act is to have a line-up of their tally-whackers. Read the rest of this entry »